Sisse Lee
Keramikk / Leire
Bird Bath ll
Bird bath with vessels and birds, stoneware w/ decorative glaze Photo: Thomas Tveter/Kunstnerforbundet Kunstnerforbundets 'Juleutstilling 2024', Oslo, Norway In the collection of Ministry of Foreig…
Handmodelled ashtray in porcelain w/ underglaze Photo: Ole Akhøj/Peach Corner Group exhibition 'Content' Peach Corner, Copenhagen, Denmark 2024
Peach Melba
Terra cotta bird vessels, oat-coated Photo: Ole Akhøj/Peach Corner Part of Peach Melba w/ Peach Corner at 3daysofdesign, Copenhagen, Denmark 2024
Slow Feeder l
Slow Feeder I presents a bundle of red, oat-coated bird vessels in terracotta and colored porcelain vessels. Presenting two types of clay from two different ages, which also represent two ages of hist…
Slow Feeder ll
Slow Feeder ll consists of scaled-up dog bowls in stoneware and a series of handknitted textile artworks featuring images of dog memes found online. Photo: David Stjernholm Solo exhibition, Peach Co…
Conversations w/ Tulla Eliasson
Four image surfaces in porcelain with vessels and handles from Bigware (Sisse Lee, 2018), Tulla Eliasson Cluster of vessels in colored porcelain and stoneware, Sisse Lee Duo-exhibition at RAM Galleri…
Jeg vil skære Humbabas hoved af og sejle med det ned ad floden
Porcelain tablets with photo emulsion and oak frame, Humbaba head in porcelain with glaze Group exhibition '4+4', Kunsthall Grenland, Porsgrunn, Norway 2020
White stoneware with Icelandic volcanic sand and lovehandles, red earthenware with donut-handles, porcelain cone with transparent glaze, black stoneware cylinder, and porcelain with inner glaze Exh…