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Internasjonalt seminar Galleri F15

Norske Kunsthåndverkere samarbeider med Norwegian Crafts og Galleri F15 om årets internasjonale seminar som finner sted på Alby Gård i Moss 14. april.

Seminaret holdes i tilknytning til Tendenser 2016 som i år kurateres av Gjertrud Steinsvåg. Seminaret vil foregår på engelsk. Teksten under er hentet fra en felles utsendelse fra NK, Norwegian Cratfs og Galleri F15:

Tendencies curator Gjertrud Steinsvåg will introduce the exhibition and her curatorial method in a lecture. Dr. Stephen Knott, professor of Design History at Liverpool Hope University, will give a lecture, as will senior tutor of ceramics and glass at the Royal College of Art, Alison Britton.

All lectures will be given in English.

Tickets: 200 kroner (Ordinary), 150 kroner (Students / Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts members/ F 15 member card holders)

Reserve your ticket today through se@punkto.no – please note that the reservation is binding. The ticket covers return transportation between Oslo and Jeløya, exhibition entry, lunch and the international seminar.

Bus transportation:
9.45 Departure from main entrance/sea side Thon Hotel Opera
15.15 Departure from Galleri F15


9:45 am
Bus transportation (included in ticket price) from Oslo to Gallery F15. Bus leaves from Thon Hotel Opera, sea side exit.

11 am
Lunch at Gallery F15, and time to see the exhibition Tendenser/Tendencies 2016: Grand Old Ladies & New Kids on the Block

1 pm
Welcome to the gallery, Maria Havstam, head of communication/curator Gallery F 15

Moderator’s Introduction, André Gali, Norwegian Crafts

1.10 pm
Lecture: To assert Trends, Gjertrud Steinsvåg
Gjertrud Steinsvåg will talk about her recent exhibitions: Pottery is Back! and Grand Old Ladies & New Kids on the Block. Pottery is Back! postulates the return of pottery, but leaves room for contradiction: that it never left. Grand Old Ladies & New Kids on the Block is based on apparent discrepancies between generations and also artistic practices. When faced with these discrepancies, be they constructed or actual, it’s the task of the curator to translate and decipher the nuances, and contribute to new understanding of established notions.

1.40 pm
Lecture:The desire to get down and dirty, Dr. Stephen Knott
In recent years practitioners, researchers, curators and critics concerned with the importance of making have naturally welcomed a renewed interest in craft, both from the general public and the nebulous world of fine art. From Assemble’s winning the 2015 Turner Prize, sloppy ceramics at the Venice Biennale and live weaving demonstrations, to education scenarios that place the hand-made centre stage, it looks that making is back in fashion.

While experiencing this vogue there is an opportunity to triumph histories of craft thinking and practice that have long been marginalised, and question the motivation behind the current resurgent need to get our hands dirty. Does it originate from disillusionment with the sensory limitations of digital screen-based media? And if there is a desire to see ‘evidence’ of the processes and plain hard graft that lie behind the production of objects, how is this manifest and managed in contemporary artworks?
2.10 pm

Lecture: Playing on the Fence: Making, Writing, and Objects, Alison Britton
The tension between function and formal/fictional concerns has been fundamental to Britton’s ongoing excitement about ceramics. This lecture celebrates the unconfined, instable nature of ‘craft’ in the spectrum of art and design. She will explore threads through her work and other people’s, mostly in the past decade, and the way her thinking evolved through the mingled practices of making pots, writing, teaching and curating.

3.15 pm
Bus transportation back to Oslo from Gallery F15.

ANDRÉ GALI (NO): Editor for Norwegian Crafts Magazine and the book series Documents on Contemporary Crafts.

GJERTRUD STEINSVÅG (NO): Is a freelance curator and writer, as well as a programme coordinator at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts.

Dr STEPHEN KNOTT (UK): Knott is a Specialist in modern craft theory and history and lecturer at Kingston University and is the Managing Editor for The Journal of Modern Craft (Taylor & Francis).

ALISON BRITTON (UK): Alison Britton is one of the leading ceramic artists of her generation, with a career spanning more than 40 years. Britton also writes and curates, and is a senior tutor of ceramics and glass at the Royal College of Art.

For more information on the exhibition Tendenser/Tendencies 2016, click here.

The seminar has received funding from the Norwegian Foreign Ministry.

All inquiries: please contact project manager Tonje Kjellevold at tk@norwegiancrafts.no

About the exhibition: Tendencies 2016 (March 19 - June 8 2016)

The exhibition has been an annual event since the 1970's and is today one of the most important exhibition series for arts and crafts in Norway and the Nordic countries. Starting in 2016, the perspective will be expanded, with the goal of establishing Tendencies as an important event on the European arts and crafts scene, and the exhibition will hereafter be held biannually.

Tendencies 2016 investigates two extremes within the Nordic arts and crafts scene. A young generation of arts and crafts workers, forging ahead, unafraid and full of self-confidence, take their place on many different arenas (design stores, art biennales, art galleries, interior decoration magazines, art magazines) and cast new light on an older generation, who are rewarded with trust and respect for their knowledge of their craft and their historical impact. This generational divide entails a divergence of artistic practices: from the burnt ceramic cup to locally produced textiles, cooperative projects or research projects in raw clay. Between the extremes of young and older arts and craft workers, a wide variety of artistic strategies are found, making a complex field visible.

Artists: Tone Vigeland (NO), Sarah Pschorn (TY), Dorothea Prühl (TY), Franz Schmidt (NO), Günzler & Polmar (NO), Studio Glithero (UK), Reinhold Ziegler (NO), Erna Skúladottir & Karin Blomgren (IS/SE), Lisbeth Voigt Durand (DK), Gurli Elbækgaard (DK), Sander Wassink & Olivier van Herpt (NL), Bjarni Sigurdsson (IS).


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